Fantastic news! As promised, we have tweaked the game a bit, added support for online multiplayer, added several new maps and exited Early Access, which means our main goals are fulfilled. There are still things to do to make game even more polished and challenging, which we plan to work on in the following days, but the majority of the things we wanted to implement are in and working great.
The game is best played against your friends (or foes, if you happen to keep in touch with them), and can be a great friendship building (or friendship ruining) experience. Just check the crew of Youtube channel ChilledChaos and their impressions about the game, and you’ll see what mayhem can be unleashed in a good company.
Next on our to-do list is improving the AI, so all of you who would rather beat the hell out of a AI bot than the human opponent, can get some satisfaction. Stay tuned and head over to Steam to try the game for yourself.